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Life Fire Safety Risk Assessments for Commercial Premises (BAFE SP205)

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In 2006, the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 along with the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 introduced changes to fire safety law in Scotland (similar changes introduced in England and Wales under Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005)


The law sets out responsibilities that the duty holder or responsible person (employer/owner/manager) must fulfil and maintain.

Fire Risk Assessments are required by law in the majority of non-domestic premises in Scotland, England and Wales.


Each duty holder or responsible person must consider their own circumstances and capabilities in carrying out a Fire Safety Risk Assessment process. Whilst duty holders are often best placed to know their premises, they may not have sufficient resources, skills or experience to undertake a fire safety risk assessment themselves. Don't worry if you don't have the knowledge and experience necessary because help is at hand! We offer our Fire Risk Assessment service throughout Dumfries and Galloway, other areas of Scotland, England and Wales.


Anderson Fire Consultancy are a Third Party Certificated provider and can be found on the BAFE managed SP205 Competency Scheme register which covers Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment. This Scheme exists to deliver quality, independent evidence that providers (from sole traders through to larger organisations with appointed fire risk assessors) are competent to deliver quality fire risk assessment services. Our BAFE registered organisation ID Number is 303270.


By contacting Anderson Fire Consultancy, you can arrange for a suitably qualified, experienced and competent person to complete your premises Fire Safety Risk Assessment on your behalf. 

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Other Relevant Information


What are non-domestic premises?

  • workplaces and commercial premises

  • premises the public have access to

  • houses in multiple occupation that require a licence


What is a fire risk assessment?

A fire risk assessment is a practical exercise aimed at evaluating:

  • the risk from fire in your premises

  • how fire might be prevented

  • how to ensure the safety of people in or around your premises if a fire does start

The outcome of an assessment must be acted on with appropriate fire safety measures put in place.

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